
September 29, 2015

Updated 9/30/2015

With many tears and a broken heart, I need to share that Jenny from BAGS Basset Rescue left for the Rainbow Bridge last night. She became very ill and was disoriented. Radio-graphs revealed the masses in her belly had become much larger, were causing severe pain, and had now metastasized to her lungs. Jenny had a soft blanket, a sedative, pain meds and was snoring peacefully being hugged by mommy telling her how beautiful she is and how much we all loved her when she became an angel. Thank you for the privilege of loving you sweet girl!

Jenny is our new girl, who just arrived from Kentucky. She is 12 years old and suffers with seizures.Her owner is ill and wanted a place for Jenny to enjoy her senior years. We just visited our vet to make a plan for seizure control. She had just seen a vet in Kentucky to update her vaccines before traveling. My vet, who always does a thorough exam became suspicious of her tense and painful abdomen and did some radio-graphs. We were shocked and brokenhearted to learn that Jenny has a large tumor in the liver and spleen area that has already metastasized. Jenny will now have comfort care with pain meds, antibiotics for her abscessed teeth, and live each day like it’s a party with lots of love, yummy food and happy days. This is not what we had planned for Jenny’s senior years, but we will make the best of it and hope for lots of time to make memories!