Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea aka Rotti is 9 years old. Her beautiful mama was a pure bred basset, and Sweet Pea thinks she is as well. She still values her job as the BAGS security guard. Unfortunately, I wish she would give the birds who either nest in the pine trees or fly a little low through the backyard a free pass, but she remains strict with her rules, and very faithful to the ones she loves. Sweet Pea seems to have a very high IQ, but sometimes not a lot of common sense. My silly girl comes a galloping when I sound the word that it is “vitamin time,” which happens twice a day. Her vitamins are scientifically labeled Prozac, and Sweet Pea is good with that, because she loves sitting up for them and thinks Velveeta cheese is vitamins. She always greets daddy and waits for him to ask her if she has been a good Sweet Pea today. Sometimes Sweet Pea stretches the truth, but every day is a good day for this girl.